Paramotor is the generic name for the
harness and propulsive portion of a powered paraglider ("PPG"). There
are two basic types of paramotors: foot launch and wheel launch.
Foot launch models consist of a frame with
harness, fuel tank, engine, and propeller. A hoop with protective netting
primarily keeps lines out of the propeller. The unit is worn like a large
backpack to which a Paraglider is attached through carabiners.
Wheel launch units either come as complete
units with their own motor, or as an add-on to a foot launch paramotor. They
usually have 3 (trike) or 4 (quad) wheels, with seats for one or two occupants.
These should not be confused with Powered Parachutes which are generally much
heavier, more powerful, and have different steering.
动力伞运动是运动员驾驶动力伞飞行器材,在平地完成起飞升空,低空完成踢标、绕标、定点,空中完成延时留空、目标寻找、速度竞赛等飞行科目的航空运动项目。在许多竞速科目中,只规定了一些必须飞越的标志点,至于点与点之间的飞行顺序、飞行方向、飞行路线,都需要运动员自己做出判断,并在**短的时间内做出决策和完成任务。在规定方向和顺序的踢标、绕标科目中,运动员要人与器材密切配合,既要熟练掌握动力伞的操纵技法又要体会和判断气候的影响、风的变化,做到人伞合一。动力伞运动不仅是一项身体和技能的训练,更是一项心智的训练。这项运动涉及到航空理论、气象知识、运动健身等多学科知识。深受广大航空运动爱好者的喜爱。 海口螺旋桨动力伞安全系数
A powered paraglider differs from a powered
parachute (PPC) primarily in size, power, control method, and number of
occupants. Powered paragliders are smaller, use more efficient (but more
difficult to manage) paraglider wings, and steer with brake toggles like sport
parachutists. Powered parachutes typically use easier-to-manage but less
efficient wings, have larger engines, steer with their feet, and may be able to
take along passengers. There are exceptions; a growing number of powered
parachutes use elliptical wings, some use hand controls, and many are light
single seat aircraft that meet FAA Part 103 requirements.
Safety and regulations
Research estimates that the activity is
slightly safer (per event) than riding motorcycles and more dangerous than
riding in cars.[3] The most likely cause of serious injury is body contact with
a spinning propeller. The next most likely cause of injury is flying into
something other than the landing zone.[4] Some pilots carry a reserve parachute
designed to open in as little as 50 ft (15 m).
The lack of established design criteria for
these aircraft led the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch to conclude
in 2007 that "Only when precise reserve factors have been established for
individual harness/wing combinations carrying realistic suspended masses, at
load factors appropriate to the maneuvers to be carried out, can these aircraft
be considered to be structurally safe"[5]
Federation Aeronautique Internationale国际航空运动联合会(FAI)(以下简称国际航联)是国际航空运动的国际组织,总部设在瑞士洛桑。1975年,国际航联在其第68届大会上决定设立悬挂滑翔委员会,动力伞和滑翔伞运动同属悬挂滑翔委员会的管理。
1999年在??举办了**届世界动力伞锦标赛,2001年在??举办了第二届世界动力伞锦标赛,2003年在??举行了第三届世界动力伞锦标赛,2005年8月18日至23日,在法国举行了第四届世界动力伞锦标赛。 还有世界航空运动会 欧洲锦标赛 2007年 月 日 至 日,在中国北京举行了第五届世界动力伞锦标赛 无锡维修动力伞
在美国,如果飞机符合超轻定义,则无需许可证。在英国,如果“飞机的性能仍然与可以脚踩的飞机相同”,则安装在三轮车上的动力伞仍被归类为“自行式滑翔机”。 [7]。但是,即使在这些国家/地区,如果机器有两个座位,也不再是一件轻巧的事。在美国,这种飞行器将受《运动飞行员》规则的管辖,并被监管为轻型运动飞机动力降落伞,这需要飞机的N号,并且飞行员必须获得许可。
上海翼舞航空科技有限公司坐落在山阳镇亭卫公路1500号一层A208室,是一家专业的上海翼舞航空科技有限公司旗下的专业公司,一直以来我们都向广大的航空爱好者和专业人士提供质量、低价的纯进口轻型航空器材,我们提供的设备有滑翔伞、动力伞、三角翼、动力三角翼、水上动力三角翼和固定翼轻型飞机,我们的产品应用于个人户外运动探险、航空杂技表演、警察空中巡逻、电力网线架设和巡视、电视航空拍摄、灾害检查收救、大型赛事活动直播、景点空中观赏、空中农药喷洒等一系列领域公司。公司目前拥有高技术人才5人以下人,以不断增强企业核心竞争力,加快企业技术创新,实现稳健生产经营。公司以诚信为本,业务领域涵盖[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ],我们本着对客户负责,对员工负责,更是对公司发展负责的态度,争取做到让每位客户满意。一直以来公司坚持以客户为中心、[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ]市场为导向,重信誉,保质量,想客户之所想,急用户之所急,全力以赴满足客户的一切需要。